Monday, February 21, 2011

Well, hello there poor neglected blog!

Haha, so much for that New Year's resolution to blog more, eh?

It has been two months since I made that resolution.


I could make all sorts of excuses, but frankly, there's not much to blog about these days that's not baby related, and I try to keep that to JJ's blog.

I do miss riding my bike. Rhonda the SS is all spiffed up and ready for a ride, but weather, time, and motivation have kept her corralled in the stable for far too long. She was all set to ride up in Leadville for the first snow race, but I70 traffic and bad driving conditions had us turned around before the tunnel and the ponies loaded back into the garage a few hours later.

And there they have sat.


Luckily, Colorado weather has flipped from arctic to downright spring-like lately and I hope to squeeze in a wee ride in the very near future. Mr. Plesko's exercise focus may have shifted from biking to climbing this year, but I still have some sparks left to ignite with those cranks. Climbing, for me, is still merely good cross-training.

Also, we seem to be getting this whole Family Of Four thing down and managed to get out with both JJ and Turbo this weekend which felt... well... natural. We hope to continue to build on the momentum and get out for some weekends away from home very soon, thus presenting me with better blogging material than "I went to work, I came home to the best baby and husband in the world, I did homework, I went to sleep. Rinse. Repeat."

The clouds are lifting, baby.