Monday, August 07, 2006

Last week of freedom

One more week left of summer -- where did the time go? I got some stuff done this summer, but not everything on my to-do list. It's been a good summer: full of adventures and plenty of naps.

I have pushed my own personal limits and enjoyed it (most of the time). I went on a bunch of mountain bike rides with friends. These trips were a lot of fun. I complain about them sometimes, being too hard or wearing me out or not having anyone my speed or gender to ride with, but in the end I wouldn't rather be doing anything else... even nap (see below). I skipped last week's weekly ride due to some really sore legs and tired body from climbing our 14ers and regreted it every moment of the night. I missed getting out and enjoying this great state that we live in, I missed the encouragement from the guys, and I especially missed the tasty food and good company afterwards (especially since they got ice cream this time -- yummm).

I've also taken time to relax and do what I miss the most when I'm in the middle of the craziness that is the school year: nap. I am a huge fan of naps. I think it's a teacher thing, every teacher I've talked to comments about how they will miss their naps. Our awesomeness catches up with us and we all need time to relax and not be in charge of taking care of anything or anyone but ourselves. Naps are the easiest and cheapest way to do that. I feel that teachers, out of any profession, deserve a week at some ocean-side spa every year. Unfortunately, teachers work in a profession that they will never be able to afford such luxury. Maybe the union can get that to be part of our employment package. Spa. Hmmm...

One week left. Today I had the day off of job #2 and actually decided that I'm ready to go back to regular work. I'm tired of being lazy and not motivated to do anything. I miss my little 5 year olds and their funny comments and unconditional love. I miss their little hugs and comments about you being their favorite teacher and daily questions about how you got holes in your socks and how you can have a husband and dog and mom and still live at school. I'm ready to get back. I'm more nervous now than I was last year -- this year I have the pressure of living up to the hype that I'm a great teacher. Yikes. I hope I don't let them down.

On a fun note, this weekend was our 2nd anniversary! Wow, the wedding was two years ago! Sometimes it seems like so long ago and sometimes I can't believe it's already been 2 years. I loved our wedding. It was beautiful and fun and the greatest day of my life so far. I see my brothers and friends getting married and they seem so stressed -- they all have big fancy weddings and showers and bachelorette parties that make mine seem like a backyard bar-b-que, but I wouldn't change what I had for the world. I smiled through the whole thing and didn't once feel the pressure that I see them under.

Now I can focus on talking Chris into babies... :) Photo is of my flashy new pink/red mountain bike shoes that I got as an anniversary present. They're awwwesommmmeee....


  1. Sorry the summer has gone so fast but I've had so much fun! :) It seems like there is never a dull moment between all our fun plans.


  2. I'm so glad that you have a blog for numerous, you post pictures, lots of pictures, and sometimes I just go to your blog to look at them when I'm bored. two, it's good to catch up on what you're up to. three, my favorite part of my job is the teaching part, but i don't get to do that as much as the whole patient part---so i get to vicariously live through you. four, you understand that there is a problem if you ask someone if their "pedo's" hurt instead of their "dedo's". Ahhhhhhhh-ummmmm, I mean, who would do that? ENJOY YOUR LAST WEEK OF FREEDOM!!!
