Saturday, January 13, 2007

Me Quiz

A friend of mine made one of these and I definetely learned a few things about her that I didn't otherwise know. If you are bored, try it out. Then make one so I can learn a few random things about you. Ahh, the stpuid things you do while it's 2 degrees outside and the husband is out riding his bike.


  1. Well I got 70%...I wonder if anyone will beat me? :)

    BTW the drink one is wrong. :p

  2. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Yikes! I'm an idiot. I thought I was answering the questions about me! I must be really tired tonight. I better forget about making up my own quiz.

  3. ummm I've never been in a relationsheip longer then 3 months


  4. Man 20% I hate tests! They give me extreme nervousness!

  5. Okay, so I really would like to dispute my results because three of those I answered correctly and somehow they registered wrongly. I'm not saying that getting a 55 is great, but I'm sticking to that score!
