Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Then and Now



Recently we went on a group ride up to Red Rocks. When we hit the top, I remembered that Chris and I had our picture taken at a certain spot last year, so we tried our best to duplicate it this year. So it doesn't really look the same, but at least it's roughly the same spot roughly a year apart. My favorite connection to this picture is my friend Shaina's comment of "Did a helicopter drop you off up there?"

Tonight is another group ride, this time Lair 'O The Bear. Last time I rode this trail I thought I was going to puke the whole time. Let's hope that doesn't happen again. I'm still a little worried about my back from this weekend, so I'm going to go ride the good old Dog Park with Chris during his lunch break to test it out. Two rides in one day? That means some good eats tonight! (which is secretly the reason we all ride our bikes anyway, right?)

p.s -- Lunch ride went great -- although I still feel like I'm dragging a boulder along behind my bike, my back felt good and I'm excited for the ride tonight. Feels good to ride with the hubby.

p.p.s -- look at the pictures above, can you believe how much greener it is this year than last year? The '07 picture may be a few weeks earlier in the summer than the last picture, but it's a crazy contrast.


  1. Anonymous4:14 PM

    We should take that same picture every year :) You look even cuter in 2007, I don't know how that's possible!

  2. Great pictures! I especialy love, and no I didn't miss, the red matching knee warmers! :) Very matchy, matchy.
    If you want some great couple pictures next to breweries, tanneries or the e.coli side of lake michigan you guys should plan a trip to beautiful Milwaukee!
