Saturday, August 16, 2008

Snow day!

Today our Winter Park race got postponed due to snow.

I did not feel like getting up early this morning since I am still adjusting to starting work back up this week. And it was cold so the nice warm bed felt awesome. But alas, I was pretty excited to race so I got up and showered. Chris was halfway through making us a delicious pre-race breakfast when I called the race hotline and realized that the race was indeed cancelled. Initially I got the excited snow day feeling, but as it sunk in I was really bummed. The bad weather only benefits me in my Sport crowd, and with a brand new super technical course, I will take any advantage I can get. Oh well. Now it is next week, making me have to ditch out on doing some course support for a ride that Chris is doing with friends. Fortunately, I'm currently tied for second place in the series standings... unfortunately, I can't afford to miss this coming race... therefore, I end up ditching Chris and racing alone again. We all know the racing alone thing didn't work so good two weeks ago. But this should be different, so that's good. I'm still excited and hopefully will get in some better training this week than I did last week (which was NOT good at all).

In other news...

Meet my brother's new dog Sydney:

She's super cute and staying with us for the week while they galavant around New York. She's a good girl and has been really fun to have around. Last night I went upstairs to go to bed and saw this:

Apparently the dogs decided that Chris and I were supposed to sleep on the floor!

Also, here's a cute picture of Turbo from our picnic on the Colorado Trail in Durango:

And I have my classroom all set up and ready for kids to start on Tuesday! The stress level is lower starting this year than it has been in the past, but we'll see how the kiddos are on Tuesday. Meanwhile, Chris has been playing house-husband and having a clean house and deluxe meals ready upon my arrival each night. He's amazing and I wish we could afford for him to never work again, so we're both enjoying it while it lasts!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on having your classroom ready to go - I'm so jealous!
