Sunday, February 21, 2010

Long Road...

It has been a long road and quite the journey, but...




Baby Plesko is due Saturday, September 4th (labor day weekend!). I just turned over the 12 week mark and we've seen a healthy, growing, happy, wonderful, and ridiculously cute baby three times on ultrasound already. We thought it was time to share our exciting news with the world!

Look how cute he/she is already! Showing off those future climbing arms and riding legs :)


  1. we are SO insanely happyy for you guys!!!!!!!!!!1

    post these pix as often as you can, and keep us posted on your progress!!

    so exciting and SO deeply wonderful!!!

    preggo ... LOL! wonderful way to say it!


  2. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I love my grand baby!!!!!!

  3. I am really happy for you two. That is wonderful news!

  4. Clever presentation... :) Congratulations!!!

  5. Awesome. So happy for you guys. s

  6. WOW!! Congrats to you both! Your baby DOES look unbelievable cute ... for an ultrasound baby photo on a blog 'n all! :)

  7. Congrats guys! Babies!!! Coool!!! That is one lucky little baby in there getting ready for you two You guys will be the best parents.

    Tell Chris to get a Burley Deluxe cause it is wide enuf to get a baby car seat in (most are not) and then you can strap the car seat with baby in backwards just like in your car and take baby for a ride right away :-) I know he is already scheming things like that

  8. Marni...A big congrats to you and Chris. Even though it seems like it's been a long journey I guess the true journey has just begun.

    Wishing you well and hope you enjoy every moment.

    Time to start looking at little kid bikes :)

  9. I hope She will be kind girl
    dont forget to visit my blog in
