Well, world of Hmmm?
I'm moving on.
Thanks for the memories.
If you still read this or have it on a blog reader, my new blog is here: www.moddlerhood.blogspot.com
Come join the fun!
Words to live by...
"A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others." ~Author Unknown
"A good wife is her husband's biggest fan -- no matter how crazy he is." ~Me
"May God give you.. For every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, for every sigh a sweet song and an answer for each prayer." ~ Irish Blessing
"A good wife is her husband's biggest fan -- no matter how crazy he is." ~Me
Friday, May 04, 2012
Sunday, May 08, 2011
I often joke (joke?) with Chris that in order for him to pick up a new, expensive, time-consuming hobby, he has to drop one.
Well, the other day, as I broke out the work shorts for the first time this year and looked down at the saggy shells that used to be awesome biking legs, I realized I have been doing exactly that. And, in the process, made myself... for lack of a better word... unsettled.
Mommyhood is indeed an expensive and incredibly time-consuming endeavor (not really a hobby, is it?). But one I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. My life is really, truly, and utterly cheesily complete with JJ in it.
Having said that, I went into pregnancy in the best shape of my life. I could bike pretty much any desirable distance without feeling worthless the next day, could hike at 14,000 ft regularly, and I was even climbing at the gym and making it up a few 5.10- routes. I stayed fairly active during pregnancy, vowing not to be that person who gets pregnant and completely loses my fitness and active nature.
Well, as I have now come to realize and accept... there's nothing like a long and difficult labor and delivery to make you not really want to suffer for a while. Even if it is the "fun" kind of suffering.
Then, life takes over and being a full-time working momma and going to grad school and wanting to see my amazing son every spare moment I have seems to shove that whole "take care of me" part of life to the very back corner of the very back room of the House of Priorities in my mind.
I've ridden now and then. I even got into a pretty good groove of riding the trainer after JJ went to bed this winter... for a few weeks. But somehow something else seems to always "come up" -- keeping me from riding and, well, blogging. In all honesty, usually it's not actually anything, just something I find to use as an excuse to myself to justify my laziness.
But as I looked at my completely floppy leg muscles in my shorts the other day, I realized that I have not only managed to neglect myself physically over the last 8 1/2 months, I have also lost that personal snap.
So today, as part of Chris's Mother's Day extravaganza, he took the Sleep Ninja from me (he can fight sleep with the best of them when he wants to), put my clipless pedals back on my singlespeed, and sent me out the door for a ride into the beautiful evening.
It was exactly what I needed.
The silence out in the hills, away from town, was actually deafening. I realized just how long it has really been since I've been out, on my own, away from noise and distractions and just listened.
So... the ultimate point of this blog...
I will start riding my bike again on night's when Chris is around after JJ goes to bed.
I will get those leg muscles back.
I will bring a little more snap back to my life by taking care of myself and letting myself not only be a kickass wife, mom, teacher, and student, but also a kickass ME.
So there.
Now it's in writing.
That means I HAVE to do it, right?
Well, the other day, as I broke out the work shorts for the first time this year and looked down at the saggy shells that used to be awesome biking legs, I realized I have been doing exactly that. And, in the process, made myself... for lack of a better word... unsettled.
Mommyhood is indeed an expensive and incredibly time-consuming endeavor (not really a hobby, is it?). But one I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. My life is really, truly, and utterly cheesily complete with JJ in it.
Having said that, I went into pregnancy in the best shape of my life. I could bike pretty much any desirable distance without feeling worthless the next day, could hike at 14,000 ft regularly, and I was even climbing at the gym and making it up a few 5.10- routes. I stayed fairly active during pregnancy, vowing not to be that person who gets pregnant and completely loses my fitness and active nature.
Well, as I have now come to realize and accept... there's nothing like a long and difficult labor and delivery to make you not really want to suffer for a while. Even if it is the "fun" kind of suffering.
Then, life takes over and being a full-time working momma and going to grad school and wanting to see my amazing son every spare moment I have seems to shove that whole "take care of me" part of life to the very back corner of the very back room of the House of Priorities in my mind.
I've ridden now and then. I even got into a pretty good groove of riding the trainer after JJ went to bed this winter... for a few weeks. But somehow something else seems to always "come up" -- keeping me from riding and, well, blogging. In all honesty, usually it's not actually anything, just something I find to use as an excuse to myself to justify my laziness.
But as I looked at my completely floppy leg muscles in my shorts the other day, I realized that I have not only managed to neglect myself physically over the last 8 1/2 months, I have also lost that personal snap.
So today, as part of Chris's Mother's Day extravaganza, he took the Sleep Ninja from me (he can fight sleep with the best of them when he wants to), put my clipless pedals back on my singlespeed, and sent me out the door for a ride into the beautiful evening.
It was exactly what I needed.
The silence out in the hills, away from town, was actually deafening. I realized just how long it has really been since I've been out, on my own, away from noise and distractions and just listened.
So... the ultimate point of this blog...
I will start riding my bike again on night's when Chris is around after JJ goes to bed.
I will get those leg muscles back.
I will bring a little more snap back to my life by taking care of myself and letting myself not only be a kickass wife, mom, teacher, and student, but also a kickass ME.
So there.
Now it's in writing.
That means I HAVE to do it, right?
Monday, February 21, 2011
Well, hello there poor neglected blog!
Haha, so much for that New Year's resolution to blog more, eh?
It has been two months since I made that resolution.
I could make all sorts of excuses, but frankly, there's not much to blog about these days that's not baby related, and I try to keep that to JJ's blog.
I do miss riding my bike. Rhonda the SS is all spiffed up and ready for a ride, but weather, time, and motivation have kept her corralled in the stable for far too long. She was all set to ride up in Leadville for the first snow race, but I70 traffic and bad driving conditions had us turned around before the tunnel and the ponies loaded back into the garage a few hours later.
And there they have sat.
Luckily, Colorado weather has flipped from arctic to downright spring-like lately and I hope to squeeze in a wee ride in the very near future. Mr. Plesko's exercise focus may have shifted from biking to climbing this year, but I still have some sparks left to ignite with those cranks. Climbing, for me, is still merely good cross-training.
Also, we seem to be getting this whole Family Of Four thing down and managed to get out with both JJ and Turbo this weekend which felt... well... natural. We hope to continue to build on the momentum and get out for some weekends away from home very soon, thus presenting me with better blogging material than "I went to work, I came home to the best baby and husband in the world, I did homework, I went to sleep. Rinse. Repeat."
The clouds are lifting, baby.
It has been two months since I made that resolution.
I could make all sorts of excuses, but frankly, there's not much to blog about these days that's not baby related, and I try to keep that to JJ's blog.
I do miss riding my bike. Rhonda the SS is all spiffed up and ready for a ride, but weather, time, and motivation have kept her corralled in the stable for far too long. She was all set to ride up in Leadville for the first snow race, but I70 traffic and bad driving conditions had us turned around before the tunnel and the ponies loaded back into the garage a few hours later.
And there they have sat.
Luckily, Colorado weather has flipped from arctic to downright spring-like lately and I hope to squeeze in a wee ride in the very near future. Mr. Plesko's exercise focus may have shifted from biking to climbing this year, but I still have some sparks left to ignite with those cranks. Climbing, for me, is still merely good cross-training.
Also, we seem to be getting this whole Family Of Four thing down and managed to get out with both JJ and Turbo this weekend which felt... well... natural. We hope to continue to build on the momentum and get out for some weekends away from home very soon, thus presenting me with better blogging material than "I went to work, I came home to the best baby and husband in the world, I did homework, I went to sleep. Rinse. Repeat."
The clouds are lifting, baby.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
New Year's Resolution
I need to get back to blogging.
I actually miss throwing random thoughts and happenings out into the interwebs.
I am back to work and have plenty of good Kindergarten stories built up waiting to come out...
Motherhood is an adventure that brings with it good stories, pictures, and deep thoughts...
I'm adjusting to life as a mom, wife, teacher, and student who still has a strong desire to ride my bikes, climb some mountains, and find some *me* again -- but have no time or energy to do so.
The blog needs an overhaul and hopefully over this lovely Christmas break I will get around to breathing new life into it as well as into myself.
Anyone actually still read this? I could use some encouragement to get me going...
I actually miss throwing random thoughts and happenings out into the interwebs.
I am back to work and have plenty of good Kindergarten stories built up waiting to come out...
Motherhood is an adventure that brings with it good stories, pictures, and deep thoughts...
I'm adjusting to life as a mom, wife, teacher, and student who still has a strong desire to ride my bikes, climb some mountains, and find some *me* again -- but have no time or energy to do so.
The blog needs an overhaul and hopefully over this lovely Christmas break I will get around to breathing new life into it as well as into myself.
Anyone actually still read this? I could use some encouragement to get me going...
Friday, November 19, 2010
12 weeks of bliss
Well, now that it's Friday evening, my maternity leave is officially over.
I can't believe how fast this 12 weeks has flown by and that I am already facing the reality of going back to work on Monday.
Luckily for me, JJ had such fantastic timing showing up, that I only have two days of work next week before a five day Thanksgiving weekend, and then only 15 more work days after that until a two week break for Christmas.
With those breaks in mind, I honestly am not dreading going back to work.
I am going to miss JJ like crazy during the day, but on the other hand, I'm ready to resume a bit of a life outside of the house. I really do enjoy teaching, and while going back after the kids have had a sub for three months is going to be an incredible challenge, I'm always up for a good challenge!
Plus, I am VERY ready to start getting paid again! My school district's maternity leave is so awful that I'm surprised it's even legal these days, and I'm ready to have all of that drama and hassle behind me.
I am currently working on a 3-month blog for baby JJ catching up on all of the fantastic skills he has learned over his short life so far, but for now, here's a cute picture...

And, an updated monkey picture!
I can't believe how fast this 12 weeks has flown by and that I am already facing the reality of going back to work on Monday.
Luckily for me, JJ had such fantastic timing showing up, that I only have two days of work next week before a five day Thanksgiving weekend, and then only 15 more work days after that until a two week break for Christmas.
With those breaks in mind, I honestly am not dreading going back to work.
I am going to miss JJ like crazy during the day, but on the other hand, I'm ready to resume a bit of a life outside of the house. I really do enjoy teaching, and while going back after the kids have had a sub for three months is going to be an incredible challenge, I'm always up for a good challenge!
Plus, I am VERY ready to start getting paid again! My school district's maternity leave is so awful that I'm surprised it's even legal these days, and I'm ready to have all of that drama and hassle behind me.
I am currently working on a 3-month blog for baby JJ catching up on all of the fantastic skills he has learned over his short life so far, but for now, here's a cute picture...
And, an updated monkey picture!

Monday, October 11, 2010
Friday, October 08, 2010
Look what I did today!!
It took me the time it takes to go to Starbucks for me to get back out on the bike after getting the "let pain be your guide for exercising" schpeel from the doctor at my six week checkup.
Chris got my bike all set, took Baby J, and coaxed me out the door.
I was nervous to get back out on the bike. Afterall, just the thought of sitting on a bike seat a few weeks ago would make me dry heave.
But by the time I got down the street, the perma-grin crept onto my face.
I had only intended to ride easy paths around the neighborhood, but soon found myself pedaling up the rocky hill around the dog park, making people stare as I happily sang along to my ipod.
There is only one word to describe how the ride felt:
The last time I rode my bike I was about 30 pounds heavier and worried about sending myself into preterm labor. The big belly made me pedal with my knees out to the sides.
Despite being off the bike for a little more than two months, being back to "Original Marni" (as Chris likes to call me) made me feel fantastic.
Also, despite being *almost* back fighting weight, I am generally carrying around my little 12 pound Stay Puff Marshmallow Baby, holding him, feeding him, or tending to him when he fusses. Being back out on the bike, away from that physical and mental weight, made everything feel a little easier.
I love my little JJ and being away from him for a little Me-Time made me come back and love him even more.
I can't wait until he can come ride with me in the trailer, but until then, I'll take the weightlessness whenever I can squeeze it in!

Chris got my bike all set, took Baby J, and coaxed me out the door.
I was nervous to get back out on the bike. Afterall, just the thought of sitting on a bike seat a few weeks ago would make me dry heave.
But by the time I got down the street, the perma-grin crept onto my face.
I had only intended to ride easy paths around the neighborhood, but soon found myself pedaling up the rocky hill around the dog park, making people stare as I happily sang along to my ipod.
There is only one word to describe how the ride felt:
The last time I rode my bike I was about 30 pounds heavier and worried about sending myself into preterm labor. The big belly made me pedal with my knees out to the sides.
Despite being off the bike for a little more than two months, being back to "Original Marni" (as Chris likes to call me) made me feel fantastic.
Also, despite being *almost* back fighting weight, I am generally carrying around my little 12 pound Stay Puff Marshmallow Baby, holding him, feeding him, or tending to him when he fusses. Being back out on the bike, away from that physical and mental weight, made everything feel a little easier.
I love my little JJ and being away from him for a little Me-Time made me come back and love him even more.
I can't wait until he can come ride with me in the trailer, but until then, I'll take the weightlessness whenever I can squeeze it in!
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